
Sustainability is about finding the balance between environmental, social and economic elements to create stakeholder value today without compromising future generations’ opportunities or needs.

Sustainability energy is renewable, infinite energy that contributes to the needed energy transition and a decarbonised world. We provide sustainable clean energy for future generations by, owning, developing, and operating renewable energy assets in a responsible manner.

Sustainable energy. We are in a sustainable business, producing secure, sustainable, competitive and affordable energy from small-scale hydropower and wind power in Norway and Sweden. Development of new renewable capacity contributes to the necessary energy transition, European and national climate targets and multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals (7. Affordable and clean energy, 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure, 11. Sustainable cities and communities, 12. Responsible consumption and production and 13. Climate action).

Our approach is both local and sustainable and we seek to engage timely and openly with local stakeholders. Nevertheless, our success depends on our ability to build trust and create long-term sustainable value for all stakeholders. Our approach enables long-term value creation and success when:

  • landowners want to lend their land to us
  • local communities have trust in us
  • people and partners want to work with us
  • investors and creditors value us

We assess material financial, environmental, social and governance (FESG) related factors in our business. This is an essential part of our sustainable and local approach.

In Cloudberry we take great pride in powering the transition to a sustainable future by providing renewable energy today and for future generations. We own, develop, and operate our hydropower plants and wind farms in a responsible manner.

Developing a sustainable society

We want to be a driver for a positive change and are committed to our purpose, providing clean renewable energy for future generations, developing a sustainable society for the long term and creating value for stakeholders. Developing new renewable assets is essential to reduce the global CO2 emissions. We realise, however, that our growth does not come without environmental impact. Construction and production do have an impact on biodiversity, land use areas and individuals’ interests. Cloudberry is conscious of the risks and seeks to understand and evaluate all aspects. We must carry out our work in a sustainable manner, and we recognize the need to continuously evolve our approach to ensure sustainability remains a key aspect in all our processes. We therefore take responsibility, knowing the choices we make underway matter, and focus on conducting our business with concern for our impact on environmental, social and governmental aspects at all times.

Read more about our sustainability approach, priorities, and achievements in our annual Sustainability Report and our Financial Reports to the financial market.